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At a height of 460 m above sea-level, this village lies 5 km to the north-west of Asimi, the county town of the municipality of Kofina. Built on a hill, it offers the visitor a panoramic view of the Messara plain. A first reference to Atsipades is found in a document of 1248, and from then on it is mentioned in every census, including the Turkish and the Egyptian ones.The church of Aghia Ekaterini inside the village has its feast day on November 25th. Another church worth visiting is that of Aghia Paraskevi, close to a water spring and among lovely trees. Some wall paintings still remain in the chapel, though in a poor state. The feast day is on July 27th. Finally, the chapel of Afenti Christos, hidden among the olive groves, has its feast day on August 6th.

This text is cited Dec 2003 from the Interkriti URL below.

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