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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "KRISTONIA Ancient area KILKIS" .

Information about the place (3)



The ancient country of Kristonia occupied a great part of the modern prefecture of Kilkis, to the E of the Axius river, near the sources of the Gallikos river.

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Crestonia (Krestonike: Eth. Krestonaios, Krestonietes: Adj. Krestonikos), a district of Macedonia, which adjoined Mygdonia to the N.; for the Echidorus, which flowed through Mygdonia into the gulf near the marsh of the Axius, had its sources in Crestonia. (Herod. vii. 127.) It was chiefly occupied by a remnant of Pelasgi, who spoke a different language from their neighbours. (Herod. i. 57; comp. Thuc. iv. 109.) In Thucydides (ii. 99) the name should not be written Grestonia, but Krestonia. Crestonia contained the town of Creston or Crestone (Kreston, Krestone, Steph. B.), and Gallicum (Kilkitj), a place situated 16 M. P. from Thessalonica, on the Roman road to Stobi (Pent. Tab.). (Leake, North. Greece. vol. iii. p. 440.)

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Total results on 28/8/2001: 4

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