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Information about the place (2)

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)

  Marathesium (Marthesion: Eth. Marathesios an Ionian town on the coast of Lydia, south of Ephesus, and not far from the frontiers of Caria, whence Stephanus (s. v.) calls it a town of Caria. (Scylax, p. 37; Plin. H. N. v. 31.) The town at one time belonged to the Samians; but they made an exchange, and, giving it up to the Ephesians, received Neapolis in return. (Strab. xiv. p. 639.) Col. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 261) believes that a few ancient ruins found at a place called Skalcanova mark the site of Marathesium, though others regard them as remains of Pygela.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited October 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


(Marathesion). A town of Ionia, between Ephesus and Neapolis. It originally belonged to the people of Samos, but they gave it to the Ephesians in exchange for Neapolis, which was nearer to Samos.

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