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Imbros (Imbros: Eth. Imbrios), an island in the Aegaean sea, off the
SW. coast of the Thracian Chersonesus, and near the islands of Samothrace and
Lemnos. According to Pliny (iv. 12. s. 23), Imbros is 62 miles in circumference;
but this is nearly double its real size. It is mountainous and well wooded, and
its highest summit is 1845 feet above the level of the sea. It contains, however,
several fertile valleys, and a river named Ilissus in antiquity. (Plin. l. c.)
Its town on the northern side was called by the same name, and there are still
some ruins of it remaining. Imbros was inhabited in early times by the Pelasgians,
and was, like the neighbouring island of Samothrace, celebrated for its worship
of the Cabeiri and Hermes, whom the Carians called Imbrasus. (Steph. B. s. v.
Imbros.) Both the island and the city of Imbros are mentioned by Homer, who gives
to the former the epithet of paipaloesse.. (Il. xiii. 33, xiv.281, xxiv. 78, Hymn.
in Apoll. 36.) The island was annexed to the Persian empire by Otanes, a general
of Dareius, at which time it was still inhabited by Pelasgians. (Herod. v. 26.)
It was afterwards colonised by the Athenians, and was no doubt taken by Miltiades
along with Lemnos. It was always regarded in later times as an ancient Athenian
possession: thus the peace of Antalcidas, which declared the independence of all
the Grecian states, nevertheless allowed the Athenians to retain possession of
Lemnos, Imbros, and Scyros (Xen. Hell. iv. 8. 15, v. 1. § 31); and at the end
of the war with Philip the Romans restored to the same people the islands of Lemnos,
Imbros, Delos, and Seyros. (Liv. xxxiii. 30.)
The coins of Imbros have the common Athenian emblem, the head of Pallas.
Imbros seems to have afforded good anchorage. The fleet of Antiochus first sailed
to Imbros and from thence crossed over to Sciathus. (Liv. xxxv. 43.) The ship
which carried Ovid into exile also anchored in the harbour of Imbros, which the
poet calls Imbria tellus. (Ov. Trist. i. 10, 18.) The island is still called by
its ancient name.
This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
An island in the north of the Aegaean Sea, near the Thracian Chersonesus, about twenty-five miles in circumference. Like the neighbouring island of Samothrace, it was one of the chief seats of the worship of the Cabeiri.
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