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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Segobriga Cuenca, Spain.
  On the Cabeza de Grego hill 4 km S of Saelices, SE of Tarancon. It was the chief town of Celtiberia (Plin. 3.3.25) and a noble and powerful town (Liv. 40.50.1), subdued by T. Sempronius Graccus in 179 B.C. and attacked by Viriatus in 146 B.C. Under Augustus it belonged to Tarraconensis and to the Conventus iuridicus of Carthago Nova, and was the see of a bishop under the Visigoths.
  The town had a wall with towers (diameter 400 m). Monuments included the theater, the baths, the curia converted into the St. Bartholomew sanctuary, the aqueduct, several cisterns, a columbarium, a late Roman cemetery, a sacellum dedicated to Diana, with inscriptions, and a Visigoth basilica. Finds in the Cuenca Archaeological Museum include a female togate statue, columns, capitals, friezes, inscriptions, coins, and terra sigillata. The town was abandoned at the time of the Moorish invasion.

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