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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "LA JUNQUERA Town SPAIN" .

Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Juncaria (Iuncaria)

Iuncaria (La Junquera) Gerona, Spain.
The last stage on the Via Heraclea linking Gadir (Cadiz) with Rome before reaching the Pyrenees, 18 km N of Figueras, mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary and a station on the traveling vases of Vicarello. Strabo (3.4.9), speaking of the textile industry of the Emporitani, calls the marshy area of the upper Ampurdan Iounkarion since it provided a kind of reed which he confuses with esparto.
J.Maluquer De Motes, ed.

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