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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "KALAVRYTA Municipality ACHAIA" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (3)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Dionysus

KYNETHA (Ancient city) ACHAIA
The most notable things here include a sanctuary of Dionysus, to whom they hold a feast in the winter, at which men smeared with grease take up from a herd of cattle a bull, whichever one the god suggest to them, and carry it to the sanctuary. This is the manner of their sacrifice.

Sanctuary of Artemis Hemerasia

Well, the daughters of Proetus were brought down by Melampus to Lusi, and healed of their madness in a sanctuary of Artemis. Wherefore this Artemis is called Hemerasia (She who soothes) by the Cleitorians.

Ancient statues

Statue of Hadrian

KYNETHA (Ancient city) ACHAIA
These Cynaetheans live more than forty stades from . . . and in their marketplace have been made altars of the gods and a statue of the Emperor Hadrian.

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