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Listed 7 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "XYLOKERIZA Village KORINTHOS" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (7)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Isis

In Cenchreae are a temple and a stone statue of Aphrodite, after it on the mole running into the sea a bronze image of Poseidon, and at the other end of the harbor sanctuaries of Asclepius and of Isis.

Sanctuary of Asclepius

In Cenchreae are a temple and a stone statue of Aphrodite, after it on the mole running into the sea a bronze image of Poseidon, and at the other end of the harbor sanctuaries of Asclepius and of Isis.

Ancient statues

Bronze statue of Poseidon

On the mole running into the sea a bronze image of Poseidon.

Ancient temples

Temple of Aphrodite

In Cenchreae are a temple and a stone statue of Aphrodite.

Temple of Artemis

On the road leading from the Isthmus to Cenchreae a temple and ancient wooden image of Artemis.

Ancient tombs

Common graves

Here are common graves of the Argives who conquered the Lacedaemonians in battle at Hysiae.

Grave of Diogenes

As one goes up to Corinth are tombs, and by the gate is buried Diogenes of Sinope, whom the Greeks surname the Dog.

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