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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "THALAMES Village LEFKTRA" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (3)

Ancient oracles

Sanctuary of Ino

From Oetylus to Thalamae the road is about eighty stades long. On it is a sanctuary of Ino and an oracle. They consult the oracle in sleep, and the goddess reveals whatever they wish to learn, in dreams. Bronze statues of Pasiphae and of Helios stand in the unroofed part of the sanctuary. It was not possible to see the one within the temple clearly, owing to the garlands, but they say this too is of bronze.
This extract is from: Pausanias, Description of Greece. Harvard University Press
Cited Aug 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks.

Ancient statues

Statue of Pasiphae

From Oetylus to Thalamae the road is about eighty stades long. On it is a sanctuary of Ino and an oracle. They consult the oracle in sleep, and the goddess reveals whatever they wish to learn, in dreams. Bronze statues of Pasiphae and of Helios stand in the unroofed part of the sanctuary. It was not possible to see the one within the temple clearly, owing to the garlands, but they say this too is of bronze. Pasiphae is a title of the Moon, and is not a local goddess of the people of Thalamae.
This extract is from: Pausanias, Description of Greece. Harvard University Press
Cited Aug 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks

Statue of Helios

From Oetylus to Thalamae the road is about eighty stades long. On it is a sanctuary of Ino and an oracle. Bronze statues of Pasiphae and of Helios stand in the unroofed part of the sanctuary.

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