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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "ADANA Province TURKEY" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (2)

Ancient oracles

The oracle of Amphilochus

MALLOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
The Athenians too have an altar to Amphilochus in the city, and there is at Mallus in Cilicia an oracle of his which is the most trustworthy of my day (Paus. 1,34,3).

Oracle of Mopsus, otherwise called the oracle of Amphilochus, at Mallos in Cilicia. The two rival seers, Mopsus and Amphilochus, had slain each other, and their oracles, which were adjacent, had great celebrity in times succeeding the commencement of our era, and one of the most curious stories connected with oracles is told of that of Mopsus by Plutarch (de Orac. Defect. 45. See also Pausan. i. 34, § 3; Lucian, Pseudom. 28; Tertullian, de An. 46; Dio Cass. lxxii. 7).

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