Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources for wider area of: "ASPROPYRGOS Town ATTIKI" .
The gods resolved to take possession of cities in which each of them should receive
his own peculiar worship. So Poseidon was the first that came to Attica, and with
a blow of his trident on the middle of the acropolis, he produced a sea which
they now call Erechtheis. After him came Athena, and, having called on Cecrops
to witness her act of taking possession, she planted an olive tree, which is still
shown in the Pandrosium. But when the two strove for possession of the country,
Zeus parted them and appointed arbiters, not, as some have affirmed, Cecrops and
Cranaus, nor yet Erysichthon, but the twelve gods. And in accordance with their
verdict the country was adjudged to Athena, because Cecrops bore witness that
she had been the first to plant the olive. Athena, therefore, called the city
Athens after herself, and Poseidon in hot anger flooded the Thriasian plain and
laid Attica under the sea.
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