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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 8 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαίες πηγές  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΔΩΔΩΝΗ Δήμος ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ" .

Αρχαίες πηγές (8)

Perseus Encyclopedia


Ιερό του Διός και μαντείο στη Βορειοδυτική Ελλάδα.

The Doves at Dodoni

In hand of Demeter, oracular doves at Dodona, let fly between the Clashing Rocks.

Perseus Project

Oraculum (Manteion), Oracle


H δρυς της Δωδώνης

Από τα πιο παλιά δένδρα τον καιρό του Παυσανία (Παυσ. 8,23,5).


The oak in Dodona

Phaedrus (by Plato)
Socrates: They used to say, my friend, that the words of the oak in the holy place of Zeus at Dodona were the first prophetic utterances. The people of that time, not being so wise as you young folks, were content in their simplicity to hear an oak


Μαντείο - Πελασγικόν Ιδρυμα

Ετσι αποκάλεσε ο Στράβων (7,7,10) το αρχαιότατο, σεβαστότατο και περιβόητο σε όλη την Ελλάδα μαντείο της Δωδώνης, αναφερόμενος στους στίχους (Ιλ. Π 233) του Ομήρου.


In ancient times, then, Dodona was under the rule of the Thesprotians; and so was Mount Tomarus, or Tmarus (for it is called both ways), at the base of which the temple is situated. And both the tragic poets and Pindar have called Dodona "Thesprotian Dodona." But later on it came under the rule of the Molossi.

The oracle at Dodona

Now as for the Epeirotes, there are fourteen tribes of them, according to Theopompus, but of these the Chaones and the Molossi are the most famous, because of the fact that they once ruled over the whole of the Epeirote country—the Chaones earlier and later the Molossi; and the Molossi grew to still greater power, partly because of the kinship of their kings, who belonged to the family of the Aeacidae, and partly because of the fact that the oracle at Dodona was in their country, an oracle both ancient and renowned.

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