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Εμφανίζονται 2 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαίες πηγές  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΚΥΛΛΗΝΗ Αρχαία πόλη ΗΛΕΙΑ" .

Αρχαίες πηγές (2)

Perseus Encyclopedia


ΚΥΛΛΗΝΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΗΛΕΙΑ
Ηταν επίνειο των Ηλείων και απείχε εκατόν είκοσι στάδια από την Ηλιν. Ο Ομηρος δεν την ανέφερε στον Κατάλογο των Νεών, την ήξερε όμως σαν πόλη (Παυσ. 6,26,4).



   After this cape (Araxos), as one proceeds towards the west, one comes to the naval station of the Eleians, Cyllene, from which there is a road leading inland to the present city Elis, a distance of one hundred and twenty stadia. Homer, too, mentions this Cyllene when he says, "Otus, a Cyllenian, a chief of the Epeians," for he would not have represented a chieftain of the Epeians as being from the Arcadian mountain.10 Cyllene is a village of moderate size; and it has the Asclepius made by Colotes--an ivory image that is wonderful to behold. After Cyllene one comes to the promontory Chelonatas, the most westerly point of the Peloponnesus. Off Chelonatas lies an isle, and also some shallows that are on the common boundary between Coele Elis and the country of the Pisatae; and from here the voyage to Cephallenia is not more than eighty stadia. Somewhere in this neighborhood, on the aforesaid boundary line, there also flows the River Elison or Elisa.

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