Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources for wider area of: "EPII LAND Ancient country ILIA" .
EPII LAND (Ancient country) ILIA
But Hecataeus of Miletus says that the Epeians are a different
people from the Eleians; that, at any rate, the Epeians joined Heracles in his
expedition against Augeas and helped him to destroy both Augeas and Elis. And
he says, further, that Dyme is an Epeian and an Achaean city. However, the early
historians say many things that are not true, because they were accustomed to
falsehoods on account of the use of myths in their writings; and on this account,
too, they do not agree with one another concerning the same things. Yet it is
not incredible that the Epeians, even if they were once at variance with the Eleians
and belonged to a different race, later became united with the Eleians as the
result of prevailing over them, and with them formed one common state; and that
they prevailed even as far as Dyme.
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