Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources for wider area of: "TIRYNS Mycenean palace ARGOLIS" .
TIRYNS (Mycenean palace) ARGOLIS
On the way from Argos to Epidauria there is on the right a building
made very like a pyramid, and on it in relief are wrought shields of the Argive
shape. Here took place a fight for the throne between Proetus and Acrisius; the
contest, they say, ended in a draw, and a reconciliation resulted afterwards,
as neither could gain a decisive victory. The story is that they and their hosts
were armed with shields, which were first used in this battle. For those that
fell on either side was built here a common tomb, as they were fellow citizens
and kinsmen.
Going on from here and turning to the right, you come to the ruins
of Tiryns. The Tirynthians also were removed by the Argives, who wished to make
Argos more powerful by adding to the population. The hero Tiryns, from whom the
city derived its name, is said to have been a son of Argus, a son of Zeus. The
wall, which is the only part of the ruins still remaining, is a work of the Cyclopes
made of unwrought stones, each stone being so big that a pair of mules could not
move the smallest from its place to the slightest degree. Long ago small stones
were so inserted that each of them binds the large blocks firmly together.
Going down seawards, you come to the chambers of the daughters of
Proetus. On returning to the highway you will reach Medea on the left hand.(2.25.7-8)
Walls of Tiryns built of huge stones by Cyclopes, fortified by the Cyclopes, occupied by Proetus, belonged to Proetus, Perseus reigns over, throne of, seized by Sthenelus, Herakles ordered to dwell at, Eurytus thrown by Herakles from the walls of, Herakles flees from, in Argolis, a battle near it between Argos and Sparta, occupied by the Argives' slaves, destroyed by Argives after Persian war, images taken by Argives from, ruins of, only walls remain, traces of house of Proetus at, Tirynthians in Pausanias' army, Tirynthians fight at Plataea.
Now it seems that Tiryns was used as a base of operations by Proetus, and was
walled by him through the aid of the Cyclopes, who were seven in number, and were
called "Bellyhands" because they got their food from their handicraft, and they
came by invitation from Lycia.
And perhaps the caverns near Nauplia and the works therein are named after them.
(Strabo 8.6.11)
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