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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "LAOS Ancient city ITALY" .

Ancient literary sources (2)

Perseus Encyclopedia


LAOS (Ancient city) ITALY



After Pyxus comes another gulf, and also Laus--a river and city; it is the last of the Leucanian cities, lying only a short distance above the sea, is a colony of the Sybaritae, and the distance thither from Ele is four hundred stadia. The whole voyage along the coast of Leucania is six hundred and fifty stadia. Near Laus is the hero-temple of Draco, one of the companions of Odysseus, in regard to which the following oracle was given out to the Italiotes: Much people will one day perish about Laian Draco. And the oracle came true, for, deceived by it, the peoples7 who made campaigns against Laus, that is, the Greek inhabitants of Italy, met disaster at the hands of the Leucani.

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