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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "LUXOR Town EGYPT" .

Ancient literary sources (2)

Perseus Encyclopedia


LUXOR (Ancient city) EGYPT
In Egypt, its ancient wealth, in Upper Egypt , a custom of the temple there (modern Luxor), Herodotus' inquiries at Thebes, distance from Heliopolis, Thebes once called Egypt, rules of abstinence there, alleged connection between the temple at Thebes and Dodona, crocodiles held sacred there, sacred snakes, Hecataeus' investigations at Thebes, single instance of rain at Thebes, Cambyses there, distance from Thebes of the temple of Ammon, Thebaic province, Syene and Chemmis in it, inhabited by one of the warrior tribes, revolts against Ptolemy Philometor, who subdues and humbles it, much decayed in Pausanias's time, colossus at.

Perseus Project

Later (Plinthos)

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