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Location information

Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Local governments  for wider area of: "FYSSINI Village LEMNOS (LIMNOS)" .

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Fyssini Community

Tel: +30 22540 91140
  Physsini is mentioned during the last century. Nevertheless ruins belonging to medieval buildings are found there. The place names of the region are documented since the 14th century. The characteristic type of the Limnian rural house is still preserved here. At a distance from the village is the church of Aghios Sozon, the main saint worshipped on the island. Guest rooms have been built to serve the worshippers who usually come here the evening before the holy day, to attend the vespers.
This text (extract) is cited June 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

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