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Location information

Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Local governments for destination: "LEMOS Village PRESPES".

Local governments (2)


Prespes Municipality

Tel: +30 23853 51300
Fax: +30 23853 51311

Municipalities' district offices

Lemos Community

Lemos, Presra's largest village with nearly 250 permanent inhabitants, is the administrative centre of the area. The visitor may enjoy a splendid view of both lakes from the hill of Ayios Ioannis with its picturesque chapel. The church of Ayia Paraskevi, in the centre of the village was build in 1896 probably on the site of an earlier church aw well. The church of the Ipapandi is locaded at the south edge of the village. It dades to the 15th c according to the frescosin the sanctuary.

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