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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Olympic games  for wider area of: "STRATOS Small town AMFILOCHIA" .

Olympic games (1)

Ancient olympic champions, pancratium


The statue of a pancratiast was made by Lysippus. The athlete was the first to win the pancratium not only from Stratus itself but from the whole of Acarnania, and his name was Xenarces the son of Philandrides. Now after the Persian invasion the Lacedaemonians became keener breeders of horses than any other Greeks. For beside those I have already mentioned, the following horse-breeders from Sparta have their statues set up after that of the Acarnanian athlete Xenarces, Lycinus, Arcesilaus, and Lichas his son. Xenarces succeeded in winning other victories, at Delphi, at Argos and at Corinth.

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