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Listed 12 sub titles with search on: Olympic games  for wider area of: "RODOS Province DODEKANISSOS" .

Olympic games (12)

Ancient olympic champions, boxing

Eucles, 404 B.C., 94th Olympiad


Eucles of Rhodes (Eukles). Of Rhodes, a son of Callianax and Callipateira, the daughter of Diagoras, belonged to the family of the Eratidae or Diagoridae. He gained a victory in boxing at Olympia, though it is uncertain in what year; and there was a statue of him at Olympia, the work of Naucydes (Paus. vi. 6.1, 7.1). The Scholiast on Pindar (Ol. vii. 16) calls him Euclon, and describes him as a nephew of Callipateira.

Callipus, 296 B.C., 121st Olympiad

Ancient olympic champions, long-race


He won two times in long-race in 223rd & 224th Olympiads, in 113 & 117 A.D. His name is unknown.

Ancient olympic champions, multiple victories

Leonidas. 164-152 B.C.

164 - 152
A Rhodian, Olympic victor, the most famous runner .

Ancient olympic champions, stadium

Dorotheus, 216 B.C., 141st Olympiad


324 B.C., 114th Olympiad

Ancient olympic champions, two victories

Aristomenes, 156th Olympiad, 156 B.C.

A Rhodian, Olympic victor.

Ancient olympic champions, wrestling

Acusilaus, 448 B.C., 83rd Olympiad

Son of Diagoras, a Rhodian, Olympic victor.

Cleitostratus, 192 B.C., 147th Olympiad


Rhodian, Olympic victor.



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