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The 'Marcous' bridge

The 'Marcous' bridge, a traditional stone bridge with an arch, is also here. It must have been built by the Venetians as it has a Venetian name. It is a charming little bridge located in the midst of thick vegetation and well worth visiting. Another exceptional natural feature in this area are the waterfalls of Akoni, which are of great ecological interest. This natural environment has been praised in the works of Lefkada's two great poets, Aristotelis Valaoritis and Angelos Sikelianos.

Local government WebPages

"Koukoulioti" oil press & Windmills

The village of Pigadisanoi is a beautiful village with stone-built houses on the edge of the plain, clambering over a verdant precipitous slope One of the main attractions of the village is the church of the Ayioi Anaryiroi.
  There is an old horse-drawn oil press in the vicinity; known as 'Koukouliotis,' it is still preserved in a good condition.
  There are several windmills and watermills nearby, evidence that the place was always rich in crops. The old folk describe how in the past many of the region's watermills were set out in a row, one below the other, and that they were powered by the same water. All the mills were privately owned. Inside the mill would be the miller's bed, the corner with the fireplace, and his household would always be poor.
  The first windmills most likely appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. Sources collected by the professor of folklore P. Kontomichis show that in 1760 there were already at least 60 windmills throughout the whole of Lefkada. Evidence supplied by older residents suggests that there were over ten in this particular region. The watermill at Anemomylia (which means 'windmill') is the property of the Municipalit of Karya and it will soon be restored with its machinery and sails, adding to the beauty of the local environment.

This extract is cited April 2004 from the Prefecture of Lefkada URL below, which contains images

Viniculture & wineries

Lambikos Winery

KARYA (Small town) LEFKADA
There is also a traditional winery in Karya, the Lambikos winery. Tsipouro is made here from the dregs of the grapes. The Lambikos was a handy device in which double distillation took place so that only the pure tsipouro would remain.

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