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Listed 18 sub titles with search on: Sights  for wider area of: "ZAKYNTHOS Prefecture IONIAN ISLANDS" .

Sights (18)

Beautiful locations

Castles, fortresses & fortifications

Venetian Fortress of Zakynthos

Tel: +30 26950 48099
   The Venetian fortress is situated in the place where written sources locate the wall of the ancient acropolis (Psophidas). The strong earthquakes that have frequently struck the island destroyed the fortifications so often that they had constantly to be rebuilt.
  The construction of the walls and the Fortress defensive system, which are preserved, was completed in 1646 when the "proveditor general da mar" was Io. Bapt. Grimani. The work was done by Venetian engineers and local builders, with great care and strong materials. At that same time the main stone-paved road was laid down, running to the coast. This was the Strada Giustiniana, the Sartzada as it was known in more recent times. An important programme of conservation and repair of the walls and the buildings of the Fortress, together with work on the water-supply and drainage systems, was carried out by the English in 1812 while they were in control of the island.
   In 1970-71, the Archaeological Service undertook the consolidation of those sections of the walls and gates of the Fortress which were in danger of collapsing. As a result of excavations which began in 1984 and are continuing, many churches, datable from the 11th to the 18th centuries, have been discovered. Found in addition are other buildings, a sophisticated system for gathering rain-water (pipes, cisterns, etc.) as well as drainage pipes. Most significant, however, is the archaeological material which dates from prehistoric to post-Byzantine times, thus giving special importance to the place.
  The visible monuments found during the course of recent excavations are datable from the Byzantine period down to the time of the English occupation.

a. Sotera or Pantocrator or "Domo" or San Salvatore (Byzantine Church of the 12th century).
b. St. Frangiskos (St. Francis), three aisled basilica of the 14th century.
c. St. Varvara (St. Barbara), a single-aisled basilica.
d. St. Ioannes Prodromos (St. John the Baptist), enf of the 15th century.
e. Church of the Hyperayia Theotokos (Virgin) Laourentaina.
f. St. Ioannes (St. John) Theologos, 15th century.
g. Venetian prisons
h. Venetian powder-magazine.
i. English OfficersΥ Playing Field.
j. English Barracks
k.Headquarters - barracks.

Venetian Fortress

The Venetian Fortress dominates the landscape at Bohali. It has impressive outer gates with the lions of Saint Mark. Mediaeval Zakynthos was situated inside the fortress. Amid verdant surroundings the visitor can see: the church of the Pantokrator, which was used as cathedral by the Latins, the church of Saint Francis of the 14th century Minorite order, Agia Varbara, a small single-aisle basilica near the Venetian prison and the 15th century church of St. John the Baptist, dedicated to the then patron saint of the island, as well as the surviving section of the churches of St. John the Theologian and of the Panagia Theotokou Lavrentaina.

This text is cited December 2004 from the Ionian Islands Region General Secretariat URL below, which contains image

The Venetian Castle in Bochali

The Venetian Castle on Bohali Hill. Above the main entranceone may distinguish the Venetian blazon of the lions of St Markos.



The stone Venetian Fountain at Kryoneri.



The traditional building of N. Kolivas where is housed the conservatory of the countryside

Ampeloravdis' mansion

Modern country house, with Gothic and Baroque influence. It has also the architectural characteristics of local building with covered approach to the house (maistros) and stone courtyard doorway. It was built at the beginning of the century as the vacation retreat of a Zakynthos family and subsequently came into the possession of I. Kardaris. The central building is to be renovated as a house.

This text is cited Jan 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.

The Saracen Mansion

An English stately home and a characteristic example of the Zantean mansion. It is said to have been called the Saracen Mansion because of the area's being a hideout for Saracen pirates. The building's impressive facade survived the 1953 earthquakes. It is on the road to Mouzaki.

Squares & gardens

Agii Saranta Square


Agios Loukas Square

Agios Pavlos (St. Paul) Square

Solomos Square

Coming from the main jetty at the harbour we meet the largest and newest public square of Zakynthos town. The statue of the national poet Dionysios Solomos dominates the square, which in the evenings becomes a place for taking a walk and meeting friends and acquaintances.

Saint Mark Square

Saint Mark Square (or Platyforos, as it is known to the locals) is the official public square of Zakynthos. In the past it was the upper class that frequented the square. It was here, too, that the Popolari burned the Golden Book.

Rouga Square- Strata Marina

The former is the most important and most central location of Zakynthos. It is a commercial centre with characteristic arcades. To this day it remains a hub of activity serving the needs of both the locals and visitors. Strata Marina is the town's second important street. It starts at Solomos Square and ends at the church of Agios Dionysios. Today it is the street with the most tourist shops. Formerly it was the town's business quarter. The bus station and ticket office are in Strata Marina and in order to explore the island the visitor can of course choose one of the many excursions available. Most travel agencies also have their offices here.

This text is cited December 2004 from the Ionian Islands Region General Secretariat URL below, which contains image


The monastery of Spilia (Cave) and the Old Spring

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