Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Archaeological sites for wider area of: "GERANI Village PLATANIAS" .
Large tholos tomb built in the ecphoric system. The burial chamber is square in plan, and the dromos leading to the entrance is 2 m. wide and 13.30 m. long. It dates to the Late Minoan III period and bears evidence for the Mycenean influence on Crete.
The tomb was excavated by the 25th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in 1966, and was found looted.
This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.
A Minoan tholos tomb of the Postpalatial Period is on the same road before the cemetery. A small sign points towards the grave. It is about 100 metres east along the hills. The tomb is on the right of the path. It has an unusually long path leading to the rectangular chamber. The tomb had been robbed but excavations in 1966 revealed two seals.
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