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Photo Album - XYLOKERATIA (Settlement) MILOS

Agios Ioannis beach is on the west of Xylokeratia settlement, XYLOKERATIA (Settlement) MILOS
Agios Ioannis beach is on the west of Xylokeratia settlement
Complex of volcanic rocks, KLEFTIKO (Cave) MILOS
Complex of volcanic rocks
Deep blue water at Kleftiko, XYLOKERATIA (Settlement) MILOS
Deep blue water at Kleftiko
Kleftiko beach; impressive rocks, formed by geological transformations, XYLOKERATIA (Settlement) MILOS
Kleftiko beach; impressive rocks, formed by geological transformations
Kleftiko beach; located on the southwestern edge of Milos & close to Xylokeratia settlement, XYLOKERATIA (Settlement) MILOS
Kleftiko beach; located on the southwestern edge of Milos & close to Xylokeratia settlement
Kleftiko Cave, KLEFTIKO (Cave) MILOS
Kleftiko Cave
Kleftiko, on the southwestern side of Milos, XYLOKERATIA (Settlement) MILOS
Kleftiko, on the southwestern side of Milos
Milos, a boat touring the island to carry tourists to the isolated beaches, KLEFTIKO (Cave) MILOS
Milos, a boat touring the island to carry tourists to the isolated beaches
Rocks morphology at Kleftiko, XYLOKERATIA (Settlement) MILOS
Rocks morphology at Kleftiko
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