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Photo Album - KALITHIRO (Village) KARDITSA

Amarados, panoramic view, AMARADOS (Village) KARDITSA
Amarados, panoramic view
Amarados, the village covered with snow, AMARADOS (Village) KARDITSA
Amarados, the village covered with snow
Amarados, watercourse, AMARADOS (Village) KARDITSA
Amarados, watercourse
Amarandos, interior of a church, AMARADOS (Village) KARDITSA
Amarandos, interior of a church
Amarandos, snowy roofs, AMARADOS (Village) KARDITSA
Amarandos, snowy roofs
Ambeliko, a mountainous village, AMBELIKO (Village) KARDITSA
Ambeliko, a mountainous village
Itamos, soda fountain, ITAMOS (Settlement) KARDITSA
Itamos, soda fountain
Itamos, the water fountain of Itamos in winter, ITAMOS (Settlement) KARDITSA
Itamos, the water fountain of Itamos in winter
Itamos, water fountain, ITAMOS (Settlement) KARDITSA
Itamos, water fountain
Kalithiro, the center of the village with the church, KALITHIRO (Village) KARDITSA
Kalithiro, the center of the village with the church
Karoplessi, the enchanting location of the village, KAROPLESSI (Village) KARDITSA
Karoplessi, the enchanting location of the village
Kastania, fir forest, KASTANIA (Village) KARDITSA
Kastania, fir forest
Total: 40
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