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Photo Album - KILADA (Municipality) LARISSA

Amydgalia, plain at the foot of the mountain, AMYGDALIA (Village) LARISSA
Amydgalia, plain at the foot of the mountain
Amygdalia, architectural remnants, AMYGDALIA (Village) LARISSA
Amygdalia, architectural remnants
Amygdalia, church, AMYGDALIA (Village) LARISSA
Amygdalia, church
Amygdalia, partial view of the village, AMYGDALIA (Village) LARISSA
Amygdalia, partial view of the village
Amygdalia, ruins of an old building, AMYGDALIA (Village) LARISSA
Amygdalia, ruins of an old building
Argyromilos, mural from a church, ARGYROMYLOS (Village) LARISSA
Argyromilos, mural from a church
Eleftheres, a flock of ducks, ELEFTHERES (Village) LARISSA
Eleftheres, a flock of ducks
Eleftheres, country church, ELEFTHERES (Village) LARISSA
Eleftheres, country church
Eleftheres, the church of St Kosmas, ELEFTHERES (Village) LARISSA
Eleftheres, the church of St Kosmas
Eleftheres, the country church of St Charalambos, ELEFTHERES (Village) LARISSA
Eleftheres, the country church of St Charalambos
Eleftheres, the square of the village, ELEFTHERES (Village) LARISSA
Eleftheres, the square of the village
Total: 33
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