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Photo Album - GALATADES (Small town) GIANNITSA

Agios Georgios, folk dance, AGIOS GEORGIOS (Village) GIANNITSA
Agios Georgios, folk dance
Agios Georgios, the church of St Dimitrios, TRIFYLLI (Village) GIANNITSA
Agios Georgios, the church of St Dimitrios
Agios Georgios, the Community Hall, AGIOS GEORGIOS (Village) GIANNITSA
Agios Georgios, the Community Hall
Agios Georgios, the Primary school, AGIOS GEORGIOS (Village) GIANNITSA
Agios Georgios, the Primary school
Agios Georgios, young people wearing 'Gidas' traditional costume, AGIOS GEORGIOS (Village) GIANNITSA
Agios Georgios, young people wearing 'Gidas' traditional costume
Drossero, the church of St George, DROSSERO (Village) GIANNITSA
Drossero, the church of St George
Drossero, the church of Sts Constantine and Helen, DROSSERO (Village) GIANNITSA
Drossero, the church of Sts Constantine and Helen
Drossero, the Community Hall, DROSSERO (Village) GIANNITSA
Drossero, the Community Hall
Drossero, the village by night, DROSSERO (Village) GIANNITSA
Drossero, the village by night
Galatades, the chapel of St Loukas, GALATADES (Small town) GIANNITSA
Galatades, the chapel of St Loukas
Galatades, the church of St Athanassios (19th cent), GALATADES (Small town) GIANNITSA
Galatades, the church of St Athanassios (19th cent)
Galatades, the iconostasis of St Athanassios with old portable icons, GALATADES (Small town) GIANNITSA
Galatades, the iconostasis of St Athanassios with old portable icons
Total: 41
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