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Geographical Data

Type of location: Beach, Beaches under Ministry of Environment Inspection, Settlement, Gulf, Blue Flag 2002, Blue Flag 2008, Blue Flag 2009, Blue Flag 2010, Blue Flag 2011, Blue Flag 2012, Blue Flag 2013, Blue Flag 2014, Blue Flag 2015, Blue Flag 2016, Blue Flag 2017, Blue Flag 2018, Blue Flag 2019, Blue Flag 2024
Other Names: SKALA ATALANTIS (Official name)
Postal Code: 35200
Tel +30 22330
Altitude: 5 meters
Longitude: 23o 4' 15,89" E
Latitude: 38o 40' 16,63" N

Useful Information (6)

Port Authority

Port Authority Department of Atalanti

Tel: +30 22330 31108
Fax: +30 22330 32108

Port information

Atalanti Port

Local holidays

Local: February 17
National: January 1 & 6, Lent Monday, March 25, Holy and Good Friday, Easter Monday, May 1, Wit Monday, August 15, October 28, December 25 & 26


Tel: +30 22330 22000

Responsible police authority

Police Department of Atalanti

Tel: +30 22330 22202

Medical care

Atalanti Medical Centre

Tel: +30 22330 22222, 23202, 23404

Selected tourism enterprises (1)

Travel agencies

Danae Travel Bureau

Tel: +30 210 3247512

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