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Geographical Data

Type of location: Port, Listed traditional settlement, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Underwater archaeological site, Cape, Municipal district, Bay, Historic place
Other Names: PISKARDO (Frankish domination name)
Postal Code: 28084
Tel +30 26740
Altitude: 52 meters
Longitude: 20o 34' 31" E
Latitude: 38o 27' 47,52" N

Useful Information (6)

Port Authority

Port Authority Station of Fiskardo

Tel: +30 26740 41400
Fax: +30 26740 41400


Police Station of Fiskardo

Tel: +30 26740 41460

Port information

Fiskardo Port

Responsible police authority

Police Station of Fiskardo

Tel: +30 26740 41460

Medical care

Vassilikiades Medical Centre

Tel: +30 26740 51203

Port agents

Nautilus Shipping Agency

Tel: +30 26740 41440
Fax: +30 26740 41470

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Fiskardo Community

  Fiscardo is situated in the most northern point of the island opposite the island of Ithaka and is famous for its traditional architecture and its cosmopolitan port.
  It is one of the most important tourist and holiday destinations of the island with soundly organised tourist background.
  Many yachts arrive at Fiscardo's port where their owners most of the times decide to stay for the rest of their holiday.
  Something similar happened to crusader Robert Guiscard from whom Fiscardo took its name, who arrived in 1085 in order to conquer the island, but finally stayed and lived in Fiscardo for the rest of his life. Most of the mansions (stately houses) one can see in Fiscardo belong to the Venetian architecture era.

Selected tourism enterprises (1)

Travel agencies

Danae Travel Bureau

Tel: +30 210 3247512

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