Opening hours:
01 Jan - 31 Dec: Mon-Fri, 08:30-17:00
The General Dutch Association of Travel Agencies (Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging van Reisbureaus) was established in 1966. In 1989 the organization became a federation with four member associations: The General Dutch Union of Travel Companies (Algemeen Nederlands Verbond van Reisondernemingen - ANVR). At present more than 650 travel businesses with a total of some 2200 offices have joined one of the four member associations. These separate associations each have their own board and a secreteriat that actively monitor developments in their own field. In this way they provide a platform for the members and they maintain contacts with related organizations. Since 1994 the federation has also developed into an employers’ organization.
Executives & Departments
Mr Frank Oostdam
Contact Person, European affairs: Air Matters, Technology & PAPGJC
Mr Walter Schut
Contact Person, European affairs: Destination Committee
Mr Gerben Hardeman
Contact Person, European affairs: Fiscal Committee
Mr Marcel De Wit
Contact Person, European affairs: Legal & TO Committee