islet of Spinalonga
is located at the entrance of the Elounta bay.
In antiquity there was a fortress of the Olounites. In 1579 the Venetians built an imposing
and the islet was used as a military camp during the Venetian - Ottoman wars which ended with the subjection of Crete to the Turks in 1669.
It is noteworthy that the fortified Spinalonga was occupied by the Ottomans only in the early 18th century and was used as
a settlement until the end of the 19th centrury. From 1903 until 1957, by law of the Cretan and later the Greek State,
Spinalonga was established as a settlement for the lepers.
Byzantine & Post-Byzantine Monuments
Art & culture
Visiting Information
Fixed hours
Admission fee
By appointment
Venetian period in Crete, 1204-1669
Ottoman period, 1453-1821
Executives & Departments
Archaeological service:, 13th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, Heraklion, Tel.: 2810 288394, 2810 288484, Fax: 2810 288484, Email: Requires Login as Tourism Professional