Opening hours:
01 Oct - 31 May: Mon-Fri, 09:00-15:00
01 Oct - 31 May: Sat-Sun, 10:00-18:00
The Natural History Museum of Crete (NHMC) offers its visitors the unique chance to experience the natural environment of Crete and its distinctiveness, as it emerges from the ecologically and culturally complex landscape of the Eastern Mediterranean. In a suitably arranged exhibition area of 800 sq.m., with realistic models of biotopes, animal and plant collections, as well as plenty of photo material, the visitor discovers the natural beauty of Crete and continental Greece. Forests, phryganic and maquis vegetation, marshes, caves, rocky and sandy beaches, mountain massifs as well as special presentations on threatened animals (sea mammals, birds, etc), are some of the topics of the permanent exhibition.