Opening hours:
01 Jun - 31 Oct: Tue-Sun, 09:00-16:00
01 Nov - 31 May: Tue-Sun, 08:30-15:00
The archaeological surveys on the site indicate a continuous habitation at the area of the Castle since the Early Bronze Age, while by the 5th century BC the naturally fortified citadel was surrounded by massive walls. Since then this privileged defensive post was used uninterruptedly until the modern years.
The fortification walls are still preserved today in good condition and to a significant height, forming a plan of right triangle. The upper section of the walls ends up in
indented ramparts with a broad walkway. The
masonry techniques reflect all the historical phases of the monument, from the ancient isodomic and polygonal masonry (5th century BC) to the successive interventions and repairs of the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine years.
Atop of the acropolis stands the renovated
building of the old barracks, built in the years of the first king of Greece Otto, which today houses the Archaeological Museum and the 14th Archaeological Service of Lamia.