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Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (8)

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Thaumakoi: Eth. Thaumakos. A town of Phthiotis in Thessaly, was situated on the pass called Coela, on the road from Thermopylae and the Maliac gulf passing through Lamia. At this place, says Livy, the traveller, after traversing rugged mountains and intricate valleys, comes suddenly in sight of an immense plain like a vast sea, the extremity of which is scarcely visible. From the astonishment which it excited in the traveller, the city was supposed to have derived its name. It stood upon a lofty and precipitous rock. It was besieged by Philip in B.C. 199; but a reinforcement of Aetolians having made their way into the town, the king was obliged to abandon the siege. (Liv. xxxii. 4.) Thaumaci was taken by the consul Acilius in the war with Antiochus, B.C. 191. (Liv. xxxvi. 14; comp. Strab. ix. p. 434; Steph. B. s. v. Thaumakia.) Dhomoko occupies the site of Thaumaci, and at this place inscriptions are found containing the ancient name. Its situation and prospect are in exact accordance with the description of Livy, who copied from Polybius, an eye-witness. Dodwell says that the view from this place is the most wonderful and extensive he ever beheld, and Leake observes that at the southern end of the town a rocky point, overtopping the other heights, commands a magnificent prospect of the immense plain watered by the Peneius and its branches.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


  Meliteia. Melitaia, Meliteia, Melitia, Eth. Melitaieus, Meliteus. An ancient town of Phthiotis in Thessaly, situated near the river Enipeus, at the distance of 10 stadia from the town Hellas. (Strab. ix. p. 432.) The inhabitants of Melitaea affirmed that their town was anciently called Pyrrha, and they showed in the market-place the tomb of Hellen, the son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, (Strab. l. c.) When Brasidas was marching through Thessaly to Macedonia, his Thessalian friends met him at Melitaea in order to escort him (Thuc. iv. 78); and we learn from this narrative that the town was one day's march from Pharsalus, whither Brasidas proceeded on leaving the former place. In the Lamiac war the allies left their baggage at Melitaea, when they proceeded to attack Leonnatus. (Diod. xviii. 15.) Subsequently Melitaea was in the hands of the Aetolians. Philip attempted to take it, but he did not succeed, in consequence of his scaling-ladders being too short. (Polyb. v. 97, ix. 18.) Melitaea is also mentioned by Scylax, p. 24; Ephor. ap Steph. B. s. v.; Dicaearch. p. 21; Plin. iv. 9. s. 16; Ptol. iii. 13. § 46, who erroneously calls it Melitara. Leake identifies it with the ruins of an ancient fortress situated upon a lofty hill on the left bank of the Enipeus, at the foot of which stands the small village of Keuzlar. (Northern Greece, vol. iv. p. 469, seq.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


A town in Thessaly in Phthiotis, on the northern slope of Mount Othrys, and near the river Enipeus.

Perseus Project index

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  A city in Achaia Phthiotis (Strab. 9.435). It lay on the pass between the Spercheios valley and the W plain of Thessaly, overlooking the latter. The sudden and spectacular view of the sea-like plain gave the ancient derivation for its name from the verb "to marvel" (Livy 32.4.3). It was evidently not an important place except strategically, and was a member of the Aitolian League, probably from the 3d c. B.C. It was besieged by Philip V in 199 B.C., but an Aitolian band entered the city and helped it hold until Philip withdrew (Livy 32.4). The next year Aitolian troops used it as a supply base (Livy 32.13.14). It was taken easily by M' Acilius Glabrio in his campaign against Antiochus III and his allies in 191 B.C., while he was on his way from the Thessalian plain to the Spercheios valley (Livy 36.14. 12-15). In 189 B.C. it was probably freed with the rest of Thessalian Achaia. The city was the site of a bishopric in Christian times. Its neighbor to the S was Xyniae; to the N Proerna.
   The city lies just to the W of the modern (and ancient) road over the pass, ca. 4 km S of the Thessalian plain. The acropolis is a small, round, rocky, abrupt peak (639 m) surrounded on top by a Byzantine (?) wall of stones and mortar, on the site of an ancient wall, of which virtually nothing is visible. The modern town is centered on the slope S of the acropolis. The ancient city wall is visible in places forming a concentric circle some 800-900 m in circumference around the acropolis. Southeast of the acropolis is one small section with four courses in place (1924); the wall is of rectangular blocks, laid in even courses. Brief excavations behind the school (gymnasium) S of the acropolis uncovered a section of the city wall built of polygonal masonry, making a solid bastion at this point. At the S edge of the wall was uncovered the foundation of an isolated tower, presumably to guard the access from the road. The finds from this excavation mainly consisted of 4th and 3d c. B.C. pottery fragments. A little N of the acropolis is a flat area on which is the Church of Haghios Aemilianos. Here a foundation of large stones, 6 x 3 m, was discovered, probably of a tower outside the walls guarding the approach from the plain. In the N side of the preserved city wall is a gate which may have given access to this tower. The city wall appeared to Stahlin to date from the 3d c. B.C.; the polygonal section recently discovered, however, must be a part of the Classical defenses.
   Some 2 km N of Dhomoko, near Milyai (1910) was an ancient foundation, probably of a temple, near which was found a boundary inscription concerning Angeia and Ktimenai (see Dhranista). A treasure of Hellenistic gold objects now mainly in the Benaki and Stathatos collections found in Thessaly in 1929 may have come from the vicinity of Dhomoko

T. S. Mac Kay, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Sep 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.



  A city of Achaia Phthiotis, it lies on the edge of the plain N of Othrys watered by the Europos (Buziotikos) and the Elipeus (Chiliadhiotikos) just above the plain on the N end of a N spur (Xerovouni) of Othrys. Modern Meliteia (formerly Avaritsa) lies at the W edge of the ancient city. It issued coinage in the 5th c. B.C. when it was associated with Pherai, was a chief city of the Achaians, was joined to the Aitolian League probably from 265 B.C. Philip V failed to take it in 217 B.C. (Polyb. 5.97.5f; 9.18.5-9). It belonged to the Thessalian League after 189 B.C.
  The wall circuit is visible, but poorly preserved. It included an acropolis ca. 180 m above the plain, thence the walls included a triangular section down to the plain. The walls down the hill are flanked by ravines. A cross-wall divided the city into upper and lower halves. The wall where preserved is built of irregularly sized rectangular blocks. It had a circuit of ca. 4 km. There is a late 3d c. B.C. building inscription in the E wall. A cloister of Haghia Triadha lies a little S of the acropolis, built partly on an ancient temple (?) foundation. Meliteia's neighbor to the S was Narthakion; on the track there, 25 minutes S of the city is a small fort. Forty minutes further is a church of Haghios Georgios, probably on the site of a temple. Meliteia controlled a considerable area; a good deal of inscriptional evidence exists for its boundaries. Its area has been estimated at ca. 462 sq. km (Stahlin, RE).

T. S. Mackay, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Καθολική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια


  A titular see in Thessaly, suffragan of Larissa, commanding the defile of Coele at the entrance to the Thessalonian plain. Vainly besieged in 198 B.C. by Philip, it was taken in 191 by the consul Acilius Glabrio in the war against Antiochus.
  The Greeks call it today Domokos; it is the chief town of the demos of Thaumakoi, and a well-fortified place, beautifully situated on a rock crowned by a medieval fortress, west of which are some old walls. During the last Greco-Turkish war, in 1897, it was the final halting place of the vanquished Greek army.
  We do not know if Thaumaci was a bishopric whilst Thessaly owned allegiance to the pope; in any case, when Illyricum, in 732, was withdrawn from the pope's jurisdiction by the emperors of Constantinople, this city became a suffragan of Larissa.
  In 1882, during the annexation of Thessaly to Greece, the diocese became dependent upon the autocephalous Church of the Kingdom of Greece. After a while the diocese was suppressed by the new organization of this Church (1899). After the Frankish conquest in the thirteenth century, Thaumaci became a Latin bishopric.

S. Petrides, ed.
Transcribed by: Barbara Jane Barrett
This extract is cited June 2003 from The Catholic Encyclopedia, New Advent online edition URL below.

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