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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 6 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Μυθολογία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΣΚΙΛΛΟΥΝΤΑ Δήμος ΗΛΕΙΑ" .

Μυθολογία (6)

Αποικισμοί των κατοίκων

Eretria colonized by Eretrieus of Macistus

ΜΑΚΙΣΤΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΗΛΕΙΑ
As for Eretria, some say that it was colonized from Triphylian Macistus by Eretrieus, but others say from the Eretria at Athens, which now is a marketplace.

Αρχαίοι μύθοι


ΣΑΜΙΚΟΝ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΗΛΕΙΑ
   One poem entitled Rhadine (of which Stesichorus is reputed to be the author), which begins, "Come, thou clear-voiced Muse, Erato, begin thy song, voicing to the tune of thy lovely lyre the strain of the children of Samus," refers to the children of the Samus in question; for Rhadine, who had been betrothed to a tyrant of Corinth, the author says, set sail from Samus (not meaning, of course, the Ionian Samus) while the west wind was blowing, and with the same wind her brother, he adds, went to Delphi as chief of an embassy; and her cousin, who was in love with her, set out for Corinth in his chariot to visit her. And the tyrant killed them both and sent their bodies away on a chariot, but repented, recalled the chariot, and buried their bodies.

Θεοί & ημίθεοι

Heracles Macistus

ΜΑΚΙΣΤΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΗΛΕΙΑ
Macistus (Makistos), a surname of Heracles, who had a temple in the neighbourhood of the town of Macistus in Triphylia. (Strab. viii.)

Athena Cydonia

Cydonia (Kudonia), a surname of Athena, under which she had a temple at Phrixa in Elis, which was said to have been built by Clymenus of Cydonia. (Paus. vi. 21.5)

Ιστορικές προσωπικότητες


ΜΑΚΙΣΤΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΗΛΕΙΑ
Macistus, a son of Athamas and brother of Phrixus, from whom the town of Macistus in Triphylia was believed to have derived its name. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Makistos.)



ΣΑΜΙΚΟΝ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΗΛΕΙΑ
Anigrides, the nymphs of the river Anigrus in Elis. On the coast of Elis, not far from the mouth of the river, there was a grotto sacred to them, which was visited by persons afflicted with cutaneous diseases. They were cured here by prayers and sacrifices to the nymphs, and by bathing in the river. (Paus. v. 5. 6; Strab. viii. Eustath. ad Hom.)

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