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  The most important feature of the area is the ancient city of Paleros, which was situated on the Northwest part of the peninsula in today’s Kechropoula and constituted a nuclear cell to rest of the buildings, which were in the peninsula and on opposite land. The city is considered to have existed during Mycenean period, taking as a proof parts of the city’s walls which date back to 2000 B.C. The construction of the walls interchanges between the square-shaped and the polygonal system and as a whole is of different chronical periods.
  The citadel on the eastern part of the yard is separated by a partition and is considered that near it’s Southwest gate there is the most ancient part of the wall which is of the Mycenean period.
  The port of ancient Paleros was situated in the region of today’s Pogonia in the Southwestern part of the peninsula, where ruins of harbour facilities have been located in the eastern part of the village at a distance of 2-3 km from the ancient Paleros.
  There was also an ancient sanctuary at place "Profitis Ilias" which consisted of a temple and a pavilion with pillars in perimetric order that dates back to 5th or 6th century B.C.
This text (extract) is cited August 2003 from the Municipality of Kekropia tourist pamphlet.

  In the middle of the peninsula of Plagia in place of Sterna, there was a fortress which had optical control from the Northwest region to the Southeast. The fortress had been constructed during the 5th century and is considered to be identified with the city of "Sollion", which was Corinthian colony. "Sollion" was conquered during Peloponnesian war by the Athenians and according to Thoukidides (430 B.C.) is included in the occupation of Palerians - Akarnanians.
  "Sollion"is considered by many historians as a city in a hostile Akarnanian land, where Paleros and Alyzia dominated. The nautical decline of Corinthos rang the Knell of its existance therefore one can observe that Sollion was not a city but a nautical Corinthian spot.
This text (extract) is cited August 2003 from the Municipality of Kekropia tourist pamphlet.

  The lake Voulkaria or "Mirtountion" according to Stravon stretches on the North side of the city (of Paleros). This lake is probably the remnant of a lagoon covering the valey of Paleros during the Homeric period. This lagoon is referred to have been a saver for the Queen of Egypt, Kleopatra, as a result of its shallowness. After Kleopatra’s defeat by the Romans in the naval battle of Aktion in the year 31 A.D. and chased by her enemies, she managed to cross with ease in her light-built ships via the shallow canal of Paleros, while the heavily armed Roman ships were obstructed by the bed of the canal. The name of the canal, the "Mole of Kleopatra" has been kept as a memory ot the Queen’s crossing.
This text (extract) is cited August 2003 from the Municipality of Kekropia tourist pamphlet.

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