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Local products (3)



  Oil and wine are the island’s main products. Both of them have been important throughout the island's history and since they were exported to foreign markets they became one of the island's resources. The cultivation of olive trees and the production of oil have been recorded since the Homeric epics. The consumption of wine as part of a meal and as a means of celebrating pleasant events is very important in the Odyssey.
  The vineyard cultivation has never stopped on the island. Particularly, during the Venetian period, raisin was the most important product and it was exported to the surrounding islands and to other areas. Vineyards still cover various fields on the island and the wine produced is of superb quality.
  Cattle-raising and cheese-making are equally developed in Ithaki. Last but not least, apiculture is also included among the inhabitants’ activities. The island’s flora gives the raw material for the production of superb honey.
  Using all these products women prepare delicious pastries and famous dishes like "rovani", "savoro" and meat prepared in the special kettle called "tserepa".
This text (extract) is cited January 2004 from the Assoc. of Local Authorities of Kefalonia & Ithaca tourist pamphlet.

Local products

  In Cephalonia the famous VQPRD Rombola, a white, sweet-smelling wine is produced. Other wines are Mavrodafni and White Muscat. Vine-growing activates enterprises for the wine production and trade in Greece and abroad (Calliga, Rombola Co-operative, Mantzavino, Metaxa Estate, Gentillini, Sklavos Estate, Vitoratos Wine Factory). Sklavos Estate produces certified biological wine.
  The olive oil production is 2500 tons a year and its special characteristic, which adds to its high quality, is that the olives are collected directly from the trees.
  The Cephalonian cheese-makers are renowned all over Greece and abroad. Based on traditional techniques they produce high quality feta cheese as well as hard cheese and skim-milk cheese.
This text (extract) is cited January 2004 from the Assoc. of Local Authorities of Kefalonia & Ithaca tourist pamphlet.

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