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Local dishes

  Cephalonian cuisine is mixture of greek and western. A popular hors d’ oeuvre is "riganada", i.e. bread soaked in water with oregano, tomato, feta cheese and olive oil. Other dishes are the meat pie made with lamb and beef mixed with rice, vegetables and herbs, the cheese pie, which is made with various kinds of cheese, the octopus pie which is eaten the third Sunday of the Lent. There are also dishes with seafood (cuttlefish with celery). The hare is also cooked in many ways. For example, "stifado" is a dish with hare and onions and "lagoto" is hare cooked with tomato and lemon sauce. The island’s desserts include the caramel pudding, an influence of british and french cuisine and the priest’s wife walnut pie is more a rich cake than a pie.
This text (extract) is cited January 2004 from the Assoc. of Local Authorities of Kefalonia & Ithaca tourist pamphlet.

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