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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants  for wider area of: "LEBANON Country MIDDLE EAST" .

The inhabitants (1)

Names of the inhabitants


PHOENICE (Ancient country) LEBANON
Their abduction of Io, Phoenicians still independent temp. Croesus, their temple of Herakles in Thasos, abduction of priestesses from Egypt, circumcision, settlement at Memphis, reliance of Persia on Phoenician ships, their images, tribute to Persia, trade between Arabia and Greece, circumnavigation of Africa, Phoenician writing in Greece, ships in Cyprian revolt, in Ionian revolt, attack on Hellespontian towns, pursuit of Miltiades, Phoenician mines in Thasos, work at the Athos canal, Phoenician bridge over the Hellespont, excellence of their ships, their original home on the Persian gulf, Phoenicians' blame of Ionians at Salamis, disparaged by Artemisia, Phoenicians of Libya, defeat of Greek colonists in Sicily, attack on Gelon there, of Ascalon worship Heavenly Aphrodite, make war on Liparaeans, come to Sicily from Carthage, defeated by Syracusans, Phoenicians of Motye in Sicily, Phoenician man converses with Pausanias.

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