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Listed 100 (total found 134) sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "THESSALIA Region GREECE" .

Places of worship (134)


Agios Konstantinos Cathedral (19th century)

There are murals created by the painter Dimitris Gioldassis.

St. Achilles Cathedral

This is a modern church on the Fortress Hill, where relics of the Saint are kept.


Sain John church

Work of the famous builder Dimos Zapaniotis from Epiros.

Agii Anargyri church


Churches of the villge

Agios Georgios
Agios Dmitrios
Agios Ioannis Thologos
The Tranfiguration
The Virgin.

Temple of Agios Athanassios, 18th century

Important religious museum.

Church of Agios Georgios

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin

Churches of the village

Agios Lavrentios
Agios Athanassios
Agios Dimitrios
Agii Apostoli of Neo
Prophet Ilias
The Virgin of Souravli (country church , nearby the village).

Agios Georgios


Prophet Elias church


Church of Agia Triada

There is a wooden-carved iconostasis dating back to 1852 and 17th century murals.

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary


Holy Church of "Koimesis of Virgin"


Church of the Dormition of the Virgin (Koimesis Theotokou)

Tel: +30 24320 22752
  The Holy church of "Koimesis", situated North-East of the municipality of Kalambaka, was the old cathedral of the Bishopric Stagoi.
  The church is a spacious basilica with nave which rises higher than the two aisles. It was built probably in the 10th or 11th century, on the remains of an early - christian basilica. Part of the floor mosaic is saved, while material from the early byzantine ambo has been used to firm the new one of marble, in the centre of the church. From the old church comes the ciborium of marble and the synthronon. The wall paintings of the church date from 12th to 17th century.
  The monument has been restored and the frescoes (part of them;) conserved.
  Nowadays it is used as a church.

Church of Zoodochos Pigi


Zoodochos Pigi (Kaminadon) church - 19th century


Church of the Transfiguration

Assumption of the Virgin Mary church


Zoodochos Pigi church

Prophet Elias church

Church of Agia Marina, 17th century


Church of St. Bissarion

This is a modern church, which is located at the same-named square. Its hagiographies were created by Agenoras Asteriades.

Agios Ioannis

  To the west of the side of the square lies Agios Ioannis temple (1806) with rich stone curved decoration that composes the most unique work of art in the after Byzantine Architecture. For more eastern from the central square, there is the church of the Blessed Panagias, the village's cathedral church, built in 1767 and decorated with rich stone curves, as well, part of wich belongs to the old Byzantine convent of Oxias Episkepseos that Konstantine Malliasinos built in 1204. In the enclosure of the church there are the temples of Agion Padon and Agios Nikolaos. The Bishop's throne has been registrated in 1743, by after Byzantine frescoes.
  Other churches are Agiou Athanasiou in 1792, Agiou Georgiou, Metamorfosis in 1797, Agias Triadas that was decorated by the folk painter Pagoni, the monastery of Agiou Gerasimou in 1792 and finaly the impressive temple of Agia Magdalini in Koukourava in 1802.

This text is cited September 2004 from the Community of Makrinitsa URL below, which contains images

St. Vissarion

  In a picturesque location of Koziakas and in the vicinity of the community of Agios Vissarionas (known as Dousiko) the Abbey of Agios Vissarionas or Abbey of Dousiko. The church of the abbey was built in 1545 and was decorated with hagiographies in 1558, by the famous painter of the Cretan School Georgy. This must have been built in the place of the first temple, which Agios Vissarionas built, proprietor of the abbey. The abbey was one of the most wealthy monasteries since it had 366 cells, rich library and many relics.

This text is cited Oct 2003 from the Municipality of Pyli URL below, which contains images.

Agios Nikolaos church

There are frescoes dating to the 16th and 17th century.

Agios Athanassios Roum


Church of Prophet Elias


Agios Panteleimonas church


Panagia Church


Agios Ioannis Prodromos, patron saint


Monastery of Megales Pyles (Porta Panagia)

PYLI (Small town) TRIKALA
Tel: +30 24340 22420, 23180
  The Holy church of Porta Panagia, was the church of the Monastery of "Great Entrances" (Megalon Pylon). It lies on the bank of the river "Portaikos" in the north of "Pylis" Municipality in the community "Porta".
  In the Porta-Panagia both centre bay and cross arms are pulled together by one single transverse barrel vault, high up. The church was built by sebastokrator John - Angel Duke Komnenos in 1283. The exonarthex belongs to the type of domed octagon, the iconostasis is decorated with mosaic icons of Christ and Virgin placed in an inverse position (1283 - 1289). The remained frescoes both in the nave and the narthex date to 18th century.
  Restoration works have been done in the church. While works of fixing and restoration were taking place in the monastery, excavations on the floor of the church brought to surface the first floor and plenty architectural parts of the ancient temple in second use.
  Nowadays it is used both as a church and archaeological site to be visited.

  Opposite to Pyli, in the settlement of Porta-Panagia it is the famous homonymous Byzantine temple, which in the old days constituted the catholic of the abbey which was under the Patriarch's jurisdiction and carried the name of the Impregnable Virgin Mary. This was destroyed during the Ottoman domination. The temple was built in 1283 by Ioannis Aggelos Komninos Doukas, illegitimate son of the despot of Ipirus Micheal Douka the 2nd.
  It is consisted of the main temple and the ulterior (at others previous) forth-narthex.
  The Abbey of the Big Portal that also included the temple of Porta Panagia, in the Byzantine years was a rich abbey under the Patriarch's jurisdiction (that is to say depended directly on the Patriarch) with a lot of properties, which, when the abbey was destroyed in the years of the Ottoman domination, were given to the residents of the neighbouring Pyli, while the temple with a letter in 1843, devolved to the property of the Abbey of Dousikos. The temple of Porta Panagia, is a cross-roofed three-aisle royal that has been built on an ancient temple. This is testified by the pillars that are found in the area round the temple, as well as by the existence of many architectural members either fixture or collected occasionally, that today are kept in the temple. This temple follows the same architectural type with the temple of Κato Panagia, in Arta.
  Westwards of the temple, there is a wide forth-narthex that follows the type of the registered cruciform with dome and is dated in the dues of the 14th century. The temple beyond the bizarre architecture has also to present rich sculpture, mosaic and written decor that unfortunately were destroyed by the fire of 1855. From the sculptural decor fragmentarily capitals were saved, which turned the pillars and part of the marble temple to the Prothesis and the central aisle. From the mosaic decor were saved - the unique in the Hellenic area so much for the technique and the style as for their bizarre inverted position - mosaic pictures of Christ and Virgin Mary.
  The professor Anastasios Orlandos places their manufacture in 1285, hε connects them with the mosaics of the dome of the abbey of Parigoritjssa in Arta and in particular, he attributes them in the same craftsman. From the iconographic decor, remarkable is the mural that covers the semicircular niche, in the SW corner of the main temple, where the proprietor of the abbey Ioannis Doukas is portrayed that an angel leads him to the protector of the abbey, Virgin Mary. It is one of the most infrequent portraits of the Komnenians.
  The last excavational research brought into light the grave of Ioannis Doukas - unfortunately despoilt. The same excavational research, which was made in the context of the LEADER program for the restoration of the abbey, brought also in the light parts of the initial marble temple, parts of the ancient inscribed columns, all of which constituting the second flooring of the abbey, of course in second use. Also the base of the initial stone pulpit came into light and the marble pillar that supported the High Altar, while segmentally the initial marble flooring of temple was revealed.
  Finally, interesting are also the murals that are saved in the Chancel which are placed in the 13th century. The mural in the arch of the central declinable, those next to the window of the southern and the western side of the temple, are mainly dated in the 18th century just like those of the splint - to which unfortunately the fire of 1980, incurred irreparable damage.

This text is cited Nov 2003 from the Municipality of Pyli URL below, which contains images.

Agios Georgios


The Church of "Christos sto Kastro"

The Church of "Christos sto Kastro" was the cathedral of the medieval city. It is a basilica with a wood cut roof, built in the 17th century. It has worthwhile frescoes and a nice wood cut icon screen dated in 1695. This is the church which has been praised the most by Alexandros Papadiamantis and Alexandros Moraitidis in their Christmas novels.

This text is cited Sep 2002 from the Municipality of Skiathos URL below, which contains images.

Panagia Limnia

"I Panagia i Limnia" with the nice bell-tower rising in the whole village is the second parish church of the island. The icons from "Christos sto Kastro - Christ in the Castle" as well as Papadiamantis's head are kept here. The parish of Panagia continues to preserve the nice traditions and customs of the island, so vividly represented in the writhen work of Alexandros Papadiamantis and Alexandros Moraitidis.

This text is cited Sep 2002 from the Municipality of Skiathos URL below, which contains image.

Tris Ierarches

  The church of "Trion Ierarchon" (The Tree Church Fathers) which has been the cathedral of the island for 150 years leads the intellectual cultivation of the island, since it was blessed to have in its bosoms competent and excellent priests and intellectual leaders such as priest Adamantios, father of Papadiamantis, priest Nikolas Papanikolaou, priest Andreas Bouras and other led always by priest Georgios Rigas, the great scholar and author of the island. The Church of "Trion Ierarchon" is a basilica of three aisles, built in 1846. It is built in the centre of the village near the beach. In this church there is the icon of Panagias tis Eikonistrias, which was found in a miraculous way around 1650. This is the patron saint of the island and it is a sacred pilgrimage for both the inhabitants and the visitors of the island. Many sacred heirlooms from all the country churches of the island have been transferred into this church as well as many icons of great archaeological value. all these sacred heirlooms are in perfect functional condition. Here services are held according to the old ritual and the tradition of "Kollyvathes" still remains alive.

This text is cited Sep 2002 from the Municipality of Skiathos URL below, which contains images.

Aghios Nikolaos

Church of St. Athanassios


Church of St. Nicholas

Church of the Virgin of Papameletiou

Church of the Mary Virgin of the Castle

Church of the Mary Virgin Faneromeni

Church of St. Michael Synadon

St. Athanassios


St. Serapheim

Agis Vissarionas


The Assumption

Country churches

Panagia Trypia

AGRIA (Small town) VOLOS
Built inside a rock in the sea.

Timios Stavros

On the hill Anemoutsa, 3km from the village.

Ai Giannis at Kastri


St. Paraskevi


St. Eustathios

Prophet Elias

St. Konstantinos

Zoodogos Pigi

It dates back to 1647 and is decorated with murals created by the monk Samuel.

Metamorphosis tou Sotiros (1864)

(The Transfiguration of the Saviour)


Founded in 1378 by St. Lavrentios, monk of Mount Athos.

The Monastery of Agios Prokopios

  The Abbey of the Great Martyr Agios Prokopios is found in the village "Ag. Prokopios" of Trikala, in an altitude of 700m. 10 km far from the town of Pyli. It is built on the slopes of the mountain "Stefani", of Pindos' mountain range, in a splendid location with abundantly spring waters, drowned in the green, with marvellous forest from a variety of trees and thickets.
  The roughly 48 acres of the Abbey were paled with stone wall from bulky stones that in many places are apparent until today. Round the Temple and the cells there was a roughly 2 m. high wall and immured an area of roughly 4 acres. It had two entries eastwards and westwards.   The Catholic of the Abbey was stone-built. The roof and the dome were made from flint and in many places of the roof as well as in the corners of the dome there were fixture special earthen vessels for the creation of good acoustic of the room. The roof was made from stone. In the northern part there was a small door of entry with the top part arched. This door led to the Narthex that was separated from the main Temple with a stone wall. A small door, smaller than the entry led to the Main Temple. The Temple was Byzantine, three-aisled, with dancing and dome, entire with hagiographies. The Temple was wood-curve, of most excellent style. Proportion sculptured decorated with ivory. The candlesticks from crucible wrought iron.
  The earthquake in 1954, lead the top of the dome to collapse and the walls of the Abbey suffered serious cracks. The non re-establishment of the damages and the weather contributed, so that the damages become irreparable. So, in 1960 the ignorance... demolished everything that had remained standing, in order for a new smaller temple to be built.
  This effort to construct a New Temple stopped in the foundation up to 1986. In 19/10/86 with the benedictions of the Venerable Metropolite of Trikki and Stagon Mr. Alexios, a new foundation of the Temple was laid. After 4 years of efforts, the New Temple was completed and was inaugurated by the Metropolite Mr. Alexjos in 8/7/1989. From the church of the Old Abbey 6 pictures of the Temple were only saved and two Holy Gospels. According to information the Abbey was founded in the Middle of the 16th century in honour of the Prophet Elias.
  Later, unknown how, the Abbey of the Prophet Elias was renamed into Abbey of Agios Prokopios. The tradition reports that an old monk saw in a vision ' Saint Prokopios saying to him: "The prophet Elias has many Temples all over Greece, however I have not even one". Then a delegation of monks - always accordingly to the tradition - returned in the Patriarchate and reported the drama in the Patriarch. He advised they should build a divine Temple for the praise of Agios Prokopios. And it may be the only Abbey in the Christian world, for the praise of the Great Martyr Agios Prokopios. On a marble slate that was found, the church of the Abbey had been renovated in 1761. Also, according to information of the villages' residents, up to 1924 the Abbey was functioning, as elders report the presence of two old monks.

Monastery of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary


Monastery of the the Birth of the Virgin Mary

Monastery of Panagia Eikonistria


Panagia Eikonistria is the most holy site of the island, since the miraculous icon of Panagia was found here around 1650 AC. According to the tradition the icon was hanged from a pine tree and moved back-forth. That’s why is also called "Kounistra" (moving). An important intellectual figure of the island and of the Church, Dionysios the Old, was a monk at this monastery. The Catholikon is a basilica of one aisle with a dome, built in the 17th century and has a gold plated rood screen and spectacular hagiographies.

The Panagia Eikonistria icon in nowadays is housed in the Skiathos Cathedral church and is honoured every year on the day of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary, on 21st of November, with a great festivity as Panagia Eikonistria is the protector of the island.

Agia Triada (Holy Trinity) church

This monastery is one of the most important monuments on Agrafa Mountain and is located on an 800 m. altitude.

Monastery of Olymbiotissa

Tel: +30 24930 22480
   The Holy Monastery of Olympiotissa is considered as one of the greatest monasteries of Thessaly. The church is in the reduced cross-domed with ambulatory type. The frescoes are contemporary to the church, meaning of 14th century. Among them we can distinguish the portrait of the emperor Andronikos.
   Part of the building and the frescoes has been restored and conserved.
   Nowadays it is used as a monastery.

Monastery of Orfanos

At a distance of 7 km, with remarkable murals.

Monastery Kokkini Ecclisia

Tel: +30 24410 21136

Monastery of Pelekitis

Tel: +30 24410 94747
   The Monastery has been erected on a rocky crag of 1.400m height. The monument gives the impression that it floats in the air. It consists of two churches, those of "The Ascension of Christ Sotir" and the church of Virgin, the cells on the upper floor and subsidiary rooms in the basement.
   The monastery was built in 1529. The church of the "Ascension" is a single - nave church with narthex adorned in 1654, while the one of Virgin in 1666.
   The monastery is being restored and the frescoes conserved at the moment.

Monastery of Ano Xenia

Tel: +30 24220 22413
  Ano Moni Xenias, honoured to Virgin, is located at Kokkoti community. The remained parts of the monastery are the monastery church and part of the walls of the old cells, which save partial decoration of frescoes.
  The architectual type of the church is the type of basilica with a nave and two aisles. The interior is adorned with remarkable frescoes of 17th century, while the frescoes of the narthex date to 18th century.
  Sculptured fragments are built into the walls of the church while other fragments, such as capitals, slabs, double columns, bases of pillars, pilaster are found scattered in the courtyard.
  The frescoes of the church have been fixed and conserved.
  Ano Moni Xenias is nowadays used as a monastery.
Text from web page of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture

Monastery of Ano Xenias

Monastery of the Virgin at Langadia

Tel: +30 24310 87271

Monastery of Agia Trias at Livadi

Tel: +30 24930 41810

Monastery of St. George "Karaiskaki"

Tel: +30 24450 41495

Monastery of the Great Meteoro

METEORA (Area of exceptional beauty) TRIKALA
Tel: +30 24320 22278

Monastery of Agia Trias (Holy Trinity) at Meteora

Tel: +30 24320 22220

The Holy Trinity Monastery is an Eastern Orthodox monastery situated at the top of a rocky precipice over 400 metres high and forms part of 24 monasteries which were originally built at Meteora, one of the oldest still existing of the Meteora monasteries. Six of the 24 monasteries are still active and open to visitors.

The church was constructed between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and is included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites titled Meteora.

The monastery was featured in the 1981 James Bond film, For Your Eyes Only.

Roussanou Monastery

Tel: +30 24320 22649

Varlaam Monastery

Tel: +30 24320 22277

Monastery of Ypapanti at Meteora

Candlemas monastery is belonged to the Great Meteoron monastery. It is a ruinned monastery, which has been restored partially and is available for visit under some certain conditions.

The monk Neilos, is recorded in relevant documents and inscriptions as the founder of the monastery in the years 1366-7.

Monastery of the Annunciation

Tel: +30 24270 22012

The Monastery of the Annunciation or the Evangelistria, as it is widely known, is one of the most remarkable monuments of Northern Sporades.< br>
The Monastery was built on the Agallianou site, where there were ruins of an old monastery. The complex was built from 1794 to 1806 and became the stronghold of "Kollyvades". A group of monks from Agion Oros, led by Niphon, due to a feud that emerged after the mid-18th century to the beginning of the 19th, left from there and went to several islands ( Patmos, Samos, Leipso etc.). After a short wandering they went to Skiathos, where they proceeded with the monastery’s building.

Monastery’s architecture is based on the one of the Agion Oros monasteries. The Cathedral is a condensed form of the Athonite type with the lateral spaces, the frugal and the splint and roofed by three domes, covered by gray slates. The rich rood screen projects into the simple space of the church. Only the Holy Step has frescoes from the time of the Greek Revolution, by painters from Galatista. In this space kept in ambries bones of many Saints. Outside the Catholic, within the monastery complex are the monks’ cells, the bank, the hospital, the hostel, the vesta (kitchen), the magkipeio, the taliagkra (olive press), the library, the chapels, the storerooms, the stable, etc. In addition, the monastery has a valuable library with many rare publications and documents, an eccestiastic museum, where are many priestly utensils and relics and a olive press/exhibition.

Daily itineraries from the town of Skiathos to the monastery service the visitors.

Monastery of the Virgin at Goura of Pyli

Tel: +30 24340 22423
It is feminine, built above Pyli on the mountain Itamos and in an altitude of 640 m. The view from the nunnery is unique. The nunnery was built in 1743.Forayed or burnt time after time (1770, 1823, 1854, 1878, 1943). The look that has today has started to take in 1961.

Monastery Genession Theotokou in Korona

Tel: +30 24410 95214, 22250
Fax: +30 24410 22251
   The Holy Monastery of Korona was built in a rather high place, 1.150m, between the communities Moschato and Mesenicola. It consists of the church and cells.
   The church, honoured to the "Birth of Virgin", is in the type of cross-in-square, enlarged into a trinconch by apses added to the cross arms (the type of Mount Athos), with narthex and parekklision in the West Side, honoured to Saint John Prodromos. The frescoes date to 1587and follow the Cretan style. The monastery was of great importance for the Agrapha area during the period of Turkish occupation.
   Part of frescoes have been conserved as well as the building itself (part of if).

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