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Listed 17 sub titles with search on: Sights  for wider area of: "CHIOS Municipality NORTH AEGEAN" .

Sights (17)


National Bank of Greece

  Typical sample of late neoclassical architecture, it is a stone-made, three-storied building with an elevated basement and expanded third floor. The interior of the building is also interesting, since it is specially modeled to house the National Bank of Greece in the ground-floor and the residence of its Director on the first floor. The building and the surrounding area has been identified by a 1986 ministerial decree as a work of art.
  The building was constructed in 1926. Due to the increasing needs of the Bank, there have been various interventions from time to time in the interior. The last approval for works was given in 1994 to the architect G. Papazoglou who has also conducted the study.

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.

Castles, fortresses & fortifications



"Mitarakiko" Estate, Property of N. Platis

  "Mitarakiko" is located in Kambos of the island of Chios and is one of its most significant estates. Inside it stand the impressive main building, the auxiliary building "anestatiko", a second ground-floor building (atelier) and the old mansion with the pebble-paved yard surrounded by a reservoir, sitting benches and a well.
  "Mitarakiko" was the home of the famous Greek painter G. Mitarakis, who mainly used the ground-floor building (atelier) for his residence. The main building and the atelier were built after the 1881 earthquake, after the turn of the century.
  By a ministerial decree of 1992, the buildings, the reservoir, the well, the fountain the pebble-paved yard and the wall surrounding the estate together with N. Platis' orchard inside the protection zone, were all identified as historical and preserved monuments.
  Not all the buildings have been restored but nevertheless they are preserved in a very good condition. The main building is uninhabited but the orchard is being cultivated.

This text is cited June 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.

"Tetteriko" Estate, Property of A.Tetteris’ heirs

  "Tetteriko" is today the biggest estate in Kambos, and within its 10 acres stand the main building (mansion), two other auxiliary buildings and a well-worked pebble-paved yard surrounded by a reservoir, a well and a fountain.
  The main building, of a highest quality architecture, was destroyed at the 1881 earthquake and rebuilt right after this, following the patterns of the neoclassical technique, like the rest of the Kambos buildings.
  By a ministerial decree of 1990, the buildings, the reservoir, the well, the fountain the pebble-paved yard and the wall surrounding the estate together with Antoine Tetteris’ orchard inside the protection zone, were all identified as works of art and preserved monuments.

This text is cited June 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.


Religious monuments

Early Christian basilica of St. Isidore

  The remains of the Early Christian basilica are partly covered today by a later, small church with a low cement roof. In the basilica are preserved mosaic floors decorated with geometric patterns, and many relief architectural parts. Inside the church there is a subterranean vaulted crypt where the relics of Saint Isidore and Saint Myrope (who martyred in Chios during the Early Christian period) were once kept.
  The Early Christian basilica of St. Isidore was built on the remains of an earlier, Roman structure. According to tradition, the church was built in the second half of the 7th century, during the reign of Constantine IV Pogonatos. In the course of its long history, it has undergone several repairs, probably during the Frankish occupation, in the late Byzantine period and in modern times. Five architectural phases - the earliest of which dates to the 5th century - have been distinguished in the building, which was finally ruined by the earthquake of 1881.
  The first excavation research on the site was begun by G. Soteriou in 1918 and continued by A. Orlandos, in 1928. Excavations were also conducted in the summer of 1981 and 1982, by the 3rd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities.

This text is cited June 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.

Traditional settlements


KAMBOS (Settlement) CHIOS
Kambos in Chios island is a unique ensemble of agricultural settlements that serves as an exceptional example for the harmonic coexistence of residence, agricultural and auxiliary buildings, that stand in 200 estates surrounded by high walls. Equal in number with the estates are mansions of high architectural quality and auxiliary buildings, elaborate pebble-paved yards, reservoirs, wells and citrus orchards.
Kambos has a history that goes back to Byzantium. Byzantines were followed by the island’s conquerors, the Genoans and the Turks, the 1822 massacre and the terrible 1881 earthquake, events that influenced life in Kambos. However, despite all these disasters, conquests and changes, Kambos kept its character unspoiled from the 14th century until our days.
Many mansions have been restored and are used either as residences or as lodges. The residence character of the Kambos mansions still survives in a great extend and some of them (around ten) have been transformed into lodges while almost all the orchards are being cultivated.
The area within Kambos’ current limits has been identified as an historical location, according to the topographic diagram 1:5.000 and beyond it, up to one property width.

This text is cited Feb 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below, which also contains image.

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