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Location information

Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Sea transport & tourism companies  for wider area of: "KALLITHEA Suburb of Athens ATTIKI" .

Sea transport & tourism companies (3)

Passenger Sea Lines

Superfast Ferries (H.Q.)

KALLITHEA (Suburb of Athens) ATTIKI
Tel: +30 210 8919000, 8919020
Fax: +30 210 8919029
Superfast Ferries is the leading ferry company in the Italy-Greece routes, offering the following daily connections, jointly with ANEK LINES:

  • Patras - Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Ancona
  • Patras - Igoumenitsa - Corfu - Bari
  • Patras - Igoumenitsa - Venice
*Via Corfu only during summer season

Blue Star Ferries (H.Q.)

Tel: +30 210 8919820
Fax: +30 210 8919829

Hellenic Seaways (H.Q.)

Tel: +30 210 8919820
Fax: +30 210 8919829

You are able to search for more information in greater and/or surrounding areas by choosing one of the titles below and clicking on "more".

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