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Εμφανίζονται 12 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Προσκυνήματα  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΛΕΡΟΣ Δήμος ΛΕΡΟΣ" .

Προσκυνήματα (12)


Ναός Ευαγγελιστρίας


Εκκλησάκι Αγίου Ισιδώρου

  The small church of Agios Isidoros on the bay of Gurrna its a unique place to visit. The small chapel has been built on a small rock 50 meters about away from the land, you can walk though on the small dock and get to the church. The view is amazing especially at sunset, its a perfect place for daily excursions and walk across the gurna bay.

Church of Aghios Georghios (Saint. George)

  It is aisleless barrel - vaulted church with a large apse. On the south wall, there is a frescoe depicting the Virgin Nikopeios and is dated in the 14th century. From time to time, repair and consolidation works are carried out. In 1993 the frescoe was restored, and earlier frescoe layers have been discovered. It is a place of worship.

Panaghia Gourlommata

  It is an aisleless barrel vaulted church with a semi - circular apse. Along the north and south wall there are two blind arches. nly a few wall paintings remain today of the church' s original decoration: on the apse, there is the representation of Deesis with a dedicatory inscription. On the east barrel - vault of the northern part of the church, there is the representation of the Annunciation and on the south, the Crucifixion. In the main part of the church, on the east blind arch of the north wall, there is the Virgin enthroned Hodegetria and four front saints. The frescoes are of the 14th century.
  In the apse, the dedicatory inscription, read by the historian M. Gedeon, mentions the church' s renovation in 1327.
  In 1991 an excavatory research of an adjacent structure, west of the church, uncovered christian burials.
  From time to time the church is restored and repaired. In 1991 the external masonry was consolidated and the surrounding place was tidied up. It is a place of worship.

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below.

Church of Aghios Petros

It is a rectangular shaped church with a blind cupola. It was built over the ruins of an early christian three aisled basilica. It is a place of worship.

Αγιος Ιωάννης ο Θεολόγος

  It is a cross - inscribed two columned church with cupola. The multiple repairs during the 18th and 19th century in the cross' s side arms, have altered the form of the monument: today it is a three aisled cross vault basilica, with a semi - circular apse.
  Countless early christian and middle byzantine capitals, architraves etc. have been walled up in the church' s masonry.
  The most important piece of frescoe, depicting the Communion of St Mary the Egyptian by Zosimas, is on the northwestern part of the church and dated in the 13th century.
  The church is from time to time repaired. It is a place of worship.

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below.

Church of Aghioi Apostoloi (Holy Apostles)

  It is a three aisled contemporary church. It was decorated in 1970 by the political prisoners of the Parthenios K. Tsatires and Karayamis camp. On the central aisle, the first painter has painted the Dormition of the Virgin, the four Evangelists, the Man of Sorrows, the Prayer in the Garden of Gesthemane and scenes of the Virgin' s life. The second, has painted on the South wall, the Last Supper, the Annunciation, the Baptism, the Crucifixion and the Lamentation.
  From time to time, works of restoration and consolidation are carried out. It is a place of worship.
  The church is an historical scheduled building, according to the greek law, on account of its unique frescoes, painted by exiled artists in Partheni during the years of dictatorship (1967 - 1974). These frescoes express the anguish and the forfeiture of freedom of the greek nation during those years.

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below.

Ναός Αγίου Γεωργίου

  It is an aisleless, barrel - vaulted church with saddleback roof covered with large concave tiles. The apse is trilateral in the exterior and semi circular in the interior. On the western part, over the entrance, there is a large horse shoe discharging arch. Inside the sanctuary one sees two early christian marble panels. On the south wall, a frescoe of St George is dated in the 18th century.
  The monument is mentionned in a 1089 document in the Archives of St Jonh the Theologian' s Holy Monastery in Patmos.
  From time to time repair and consolidations works of a small scale are carried out.
  The church of St. George is today inside the enclosure of the neighbouring archaeological site of the so - called «Temple of Artemis».

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the Hellenic Ministry of Culture URL below.

Ναός Αγίας Ματρώνας


Εκκλησάκι Παναγιάς Καβουράδαινας



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