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Listed 8 sub titles with search on: History  for wider area of: "KAPARELI Small town PLATEES" .

History (8)


Catastrophes of the place

Thebans and Spartans, 427 BC

For in the war between the Peloponnesians and Athens, the Lacedaemonians reduced Plataea by siege, but it was restored during the peace made by the Spartan Antalcidas between the Persians and the Greeks, and the Plataeans returned from Athens.

Thebans, 373 BC

The second capture of Plataea occurred two years before the battle of Leuctra,2 when Asteius was Archon at Athens. The Thebans destroyed all the city except the sanctuaries, but the method of its capture saved the lives of all the Plataeans alike, and on their expulsion they were again received by the Athenians. When Philip after his victory at Chaeroneia introduced a garrison into Thebes, one of the means he employed to bring the Thebans low was to restore the Plataeans to their homes.

Participation in the fights of the Greeks

Naval battle of Salamis

The Plataeans participated in the naval battle.

The Battle of Marathon

On the N.E. coast of Attica, the Cretan bull at, the Heraclids retire to, Herakles first worshipped as god at, the bull of, kills Androgeus, son of Minos, the bull of, Theseus sent against, Pisistratus' landing there after exile, Persian landing under Datis, preliminaries to the battle, and the battle itself, number of Athenians at battle of, Athenians who fell at Marathon buried on the field, people of M. worship the dead warriors, Athenians bury Medes at, Athenians proudest of victory at, picture of battle of, offerings from spoils taken at.

Battle of Plataea

. . . three thousand men of Megara, and next to these six hundred Plataeans. At the end, and first in the line, were the Athenians who held the left wing.

Naval Battle of Salamis

The Athenians furnished a hundred and twenty-seven ships; the Plataeans manned these ships with the Athenians, not that they had any knowledge of seamanship, but because of mere valor and zeal

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