Opening hours:
01 Jun - 31 Oct: Mon-Sun, 08:00-15:00
01 Nov - 31 May: Mon-Sun, 08:30-15:00
The cave is located on the NE slope of the
rocky limestone hill
that overhangs the community of Theopetra.
Its entrance
is apsidal and large (17X3 m. approximately). The interior
of the cave measures about 500 sq m. and small conches are formed in its periphery.
The formation of the rock has been dated in the Upper Cretaceous period (137.000.000 - 65.000.000 years BP).
The creation of the cave is consequently later than the above mentioned date.
Human settlement in the cave begins in the Middle Paleolithic Period (ca. 100.000 BP)
and continues without interruption until the end of the Neolithic Period (3000 BC). The archaeological finds include
mainly stone and bone tools of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Periods, artifacts made from marine shells and Neolithic pottery.
The material remains of the prehistoric users of the cave comprise a valuable record for the transition from the Paleolithic hunter-gatherers stage
to the Neolithic productive stage of agriculture.