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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: UNESCO - World Heritage List  for wider area of: "LEBANON Country MIDDLE EAST" .

UNESCO - World Heritage List (2)



BYBLOS (Ancient city) PHOENICE
Byblos is the site of the multi-layered ruins of one of the most ancient cities of Lebanon, inhabited since Neolithic times and closely tied to the legends and history of the Mediterranean region for many thousands of years. Byblos is directly associated with the history of the diffusion of the Phoenician alphabet


TYROS (Ancient city) LEBANON
Tyre, where, according to legend, the purple dye was invented, was the great Phoenician city that ruled the seas and founded prosperous colonies such as Cadiz and Carthage. Its historical role declined at the end of the Crusades. It conserves important archaeological remains, mainly from Roman times.

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