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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "LEBANON Country MIDDLE EAST" .

Ancient literary sources (4)

Perseus Encyclopedia


BYBLOS (Ancient city) PHOENICE
In Syria, Io finds her son Epaphus at Byblos.


PHOENICE (Ancient country) LEBANON
Agenor reigns in, Phoenix settles in, Alexander (Paris) tarries in, Menelaus wanders to, conquered by Ptolemy I, overrun by Antigonus, vipers in highlands of, Phoenician sea furnishes best shell-fish for purple dye, Phoenician purple, Phoenician view of Aesculapius and Apollo.


SIDON (Ancient city) LEBANON
Paris and Helen there, Sidon attacked by Apries, Democedes' voyage from Sidon, speed of Sidonian ships, in Xerxes' fleet, Xerxes' Sidonian ship, place of honour of Sidonian king in Xerxes' council, man of Sidon discusses nature of Aesculapius with Pausanias.


TYROS (Ancient city) LEBANON
In Phoenicia, abduction of Europa thence, Tyrians worship Herakles, temple of Herakles there, Tyrian settlement at Memphis, war between Egypt and Tyre, Tyrian king with Xerxes.

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