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Listed 12 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "PYLIA Province MESSINIA" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (12)

Ancient acropoles

Acropolis of Corone

KORONI (Ancient city) PETALIDI
The statue of Athena also on the acropolis is of bronze, and stands in the open air, holding a crow in her hand (Paus. 4,34,6).

Ancient agoras

Marketplace of Corone

The statues of Asclepius and Dionysus are of stone, but there is a statue of Zeus the Saviour in the market-place made of bronze (Paus. 4,34,6).

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Dryops

ASSINI (Ancient city) KORONI
...But the men of Asine take the greatest pleasure in being called Dryopes, and clearly have made the most holy of their sanctuaries in memory of those which they once had, established on Parnassus. For they have both a temple of Apollo and again a temple and ancient statue of Dryops, whose mysteries they celebrate every year, saying that he is the son of Apollo

Sanctuary of Apollo Corythos or Corynthos

LONGA (Small town) EPIA
(Paus. 4,34,7).

Shrine of Artemis

There is also a shrine of Artemis here and water in a well mixed with pitch, in appearance very like the iris-oil of Cyzicos.

Ancient temples

Temple of Apollo

ASSINI (Ancient city) KORONI
...But the men of Asine take the greatest pleasure in being called Dryopes, and clearly have made the most holy of their sanctuaries in memory of those which they once had, established on Parnassus. For they have both a temple of Apollo and again a temple and ancient statue of Dryops, whose mysteries they celebrate every year, saying that he is the son of Apollo.

Temple of Artemis Nurse of Children

KORONI (Ancient city) PETALIDI
The gods who have temples here are Artemis, called the "Nurse of Children", Dionysus and Asclepius (Paus. 4,34,6).

Temple of Dionysus

The gods who have temples here are Artemis, called the "Nurse of Children", Dionysus and Asclepius (Paus. 4,34,6).

Temple of Asclepius

The gods who have temples here are Artemis, called the "Nurse of Children", Dionysus and Asclepius (Paus. 4,34,6).

Temple of Athena of the Winds

In Mothone is a temple of Athena Of the Winds, with a statue dedicated, it is said, by Diomede, who gave the goddess her name. The country being damaged by violent and unseasonable blasts, Diomede prayed to the goddess, and henceforward no disaster caused by the winds has visited their country.

Ancient tombs

The tomb of Epimelides

KORONI (Ancient city) PETALIDI
I also saw the tomb of Epimelides (Paus. 4,34,6).


Sacred to Ino

On this road is a place on the coast regarded as sacred to Ino. For they say that she came up from the sea at this point, after her divinity had been accepted and her name changed from Ino to Leucothea (Paus. 4,34,4).

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